Fireworks 250 dash plaque
crashing bug animation

Trashed Rear Arm after Barstow

The 1996 Fireworks 250, Barstow CA

This years Fireworks race was a mixture of good and bad. After all the engine troubles I have been having at the Vegas to Reno race, and then again testing before the Primm 300, it was nice to know that those problems were behind us. It was getting pretty depressing, losing 2 motors with no explanation. It looks like the problem was fuel related. It was never determined whether it was bad fuel or something in the tank. I had several samples of fuel tested, and the results said it was OK. Very strange, the only thing consistant from the first motor to the second was the fuel, and then after reassembling one of the motors for the Barstow race, the only thing I changed was the drain the tank, and fill up with fresh fuel and Wah-lah No more troubles. The car ran like a top, just like the good 'ol days. That in a nutshell, sums up the Vegas to Reno adventure, and the PRIMM 300 (which I never entered, due to the motor problems). I wasn't too excited about writing after those events, it was too damm frustrating. I am used to things breaking, as they say "that's racing", but when there is no known cause, its pretty aggrevating. Enough about that, So what happened in Barstow ??

We started the race 3rd off the line, immediately we start catching trucks !! DAMM. After passing a few mini trucks we can see a 5-1600 ahead, as we reel him in we can see another right in front of him !! Cool, by mile 6 or so, we are right on the tail of the other two 5-1600's. First off the line was my friend Marty and right on his bumper is the Ditfield/Cook car. Ditfield gets around Marty and I follow, now the two of us are running totally blind in all the dust, catching more trucks the whole time. One by one we pass the mini trucks. It was getting way too intense running blind, so I back off just a tad so we could see for a while. The Ditfield/Cook car is in our sights, I figure this is a long race, no point killing ourselves or the car in the first 20 miles. I'll just stay right behind them, until they make a mistake or have a problem.

The first two laps go pretty smooth, we got hung up behind a few cars and lost a few minutes on Ditfield, but were still within striking distance. We do our scheduled pit stop, switch co-riders and top off with fuel, then set out for lap three. A few miles into it I notice that the brakes don't feel quite right. We radio ahead and my Dad and Rob decide to meet us at the next road crossing. We get there and sure enough the brake line to the left front wheel was broken. A rock must have nailed it and cracked it, so under pressure it was losing fluid. I tell them to smash it shut with a hammer so I won't lose any more brake fluid. Eventually they get it pinched off, top off the fluid and off we go. We are now about 15 minutes back. OK, keep it clean and smooth, make it to the finish and it will be a good day.

The car is working really well, the suspension feels good, the motor sounds great. Somewhere around the 28 mile mark there was a nasty ditch, I remembered it from last year, Oh there it is, Whoa, hit the brakes, Oh crap, the car kinda turns right when I hit the brakes, since I only have a right front brake. Oh No, we are going into this ditch kinda crooked, uh-oh we are now flying sideways, AHHHHHH, we just landed sideways and are now spinning and twisting in mid air. This is not good. Oh, we hit the ground again, and launched again, OK we landed on our wheels. COOL, lets get outta here !! I have the car started immediately, but the spectators that are walking over to the car are telling us that we aren't going anywhere. What do you mean, I can't go, I landed on my wheels !! I reluctantly get out of the car to survey the damage. I guess they were right. The entire right rear of the car is totally destroyed. Trailing arm, stub axle, both shocks, rim, backing plate... THIS SUCKS !! Once again we get on the radio for help. As we dismantle the rear end, we get some of the bent stuff out ot the way, and replace the stub axle, to get the car at least tow-able. About this time Steve and Dan show up and drag us out to the highway, then back to the main pits to load up.

The good news is, the guys that were sitting out there watching cars eat it all day long had a video camera, and got the whole thing on tape !!! They said they would get me a copy. Well I haven't gotten it yet, but when I do, I'll put a copy of it here. Quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. The other good news was that the motor ran GREAT !! I've never been so happy crashing my car before. But in light of all the recent tragadies, I thought, at least I know what's wrong this time, and what I have to do to fix it. This is a much better position to be in, than the unknown. Sure I have a lot of work ahead of me, but at least I know that when I'm done the car will be fixed.

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This page was updated last on July 30th 1995.